Angel Wing Heart

Cute Chocochips Cookies

Akhirnya kesampaian juga bikin cookies iniiii…Sejak pertama kali liat resepnya langsung jatuh cinta *tsaaahhh* dan penasaran banget. Soalnya gampang dan bentuknya bisa dikreasiin. Nggak percaya? Check this out:

Cute Chocochips Cookies
Original Recipe: "Cereal Doggy Cookies" by NCC

180 gr    margarine
105 gr    cereal rasa vanilla (3 sachet)
200 gr    tepung terigu
50 gr      maizena
coco crunch, chochips dan meises secukupnya

Cara membuat:
- Siapkan loyang, oles dengan margarine, panaskan oven.
- Sangrai tepung terigu dan maizena sebentar, ayak dan sisihkan.
- Kocok margarine dan cereal sebentar saja hingga tercampur rata.
- Masukkan tepung terigu dan maisena yang sudah diayak, aduk rata sampai adonan bisa dipulung.
- Bulatkan adonan sebesar kurang lebih @ 10 gr, hias dengan coco crunch, chocochips dan meises.
- Panggang dengan suhu 150゜C sekitar 20-25 menit, angkat dan dinginkan hingga uapnya hilang kemudian masukkan ke dalam wadah kedap udara.

See, cookies ini bahkan tidak memerlukan telur!

Kesulitan bikin cookies ini (lagi-lagi) terletak di usaha membuat detail ekspresi di setiap piece cookies *siapa juga yang suruh bikin bentuknya imut-imut*. Hahahaha, sebenarnya cookies yang saya buat di loyang pertama masih konsisten. Konsisten dalam pengertian semuaaa dengan bentuk doggy, mengingat resep aslinya ada embel-embel doggy. Tapi mulai loyang kedua saya mulai bosan dan mencari alternative bentuk lainnya, jadilah berbagai hewan ada di sini, ada wan chan (doggy), neko chan (cat), kuma chan (bear) dan panda chan. Adonan cookies punya saya agak ngemprul *aduuuhhh, bahasa apa pulaaa ini*, agak buyar gitu waktu mau dibentuk. Jadi harus dipadatkan terlebih dahulu dengan ditekan-tekan, baru dibentuk.

Anyway, menurut saya tekstur cookies ini seperti nastar. Saat digigit cookies ini terasa lembut dan mudah lumer dengan sedikit crispy yang berasal dari cereal di dalamnya. Karena menggunakan cereal rasa vanilla, cookies ini tidak terlalu manis makanya cukup banyak saya tambahkan chocochips yang juga berfungsi sebagai pelengkap dekorasi.

Overall resep ini salah satu must have to try recipe karena mudah, enak dan bagus.

Ja, itadakimasu!   

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Cute Bento 62: Lion Bento

Baru sadar ada yang salah sama gambar resep postingan ini setelah buka di PC kantor. Kayaknya karena perbedaan karakteristik layar waktu edit di komputer rumah nggak keliatan ada “coretan” warna pink muda di sekitar si piggy, suer deh putih bersih nggak keliatan. Setelah buka blog dari PC kantor baru deh keliatan coretannya…hiks hiks hiks…awalnya sih panik dan gatel banget pingin edit, tapi ya udahlah ya…udah males edit juga…yang penting coretan itu nggak mengurangi esensi resepnya *tsaaahhh*

Akhir-akhir ini saya lagi suka banget masak dan coba-coba resep, pastinya resep yang dicoba juga masih yang level pemula…itung-itung buat tambahan menu di bento *sadar menu bento saya itu itu-ituuuu aja*. Hasil foto coba-coba resep itu tentunya akan menyusul di postingan-postingan mendatang. Salah satu inspirasi resep yang paling banyak saya dapat berasal dari group facebook NCC. Di sana ilmu tentang masak memasak benar-benar komplit. Mulai dari resep makanan pembuka, menu utama, menu penutup, cake, cookies, tips sampai rekomendasi merk dan seller juga bisa saya dapatkan. Very recommended cooking club ^^

Mengingat blog saya lebih banyak posting tentang bento *walaupun tidak pernah dikhususkan hanya untuk posting bento* justru bulan ini entah kenapa saya belum bikin bento satupun. Ide sih banyak banget, tapi masih mentok di pikiran belum ada niatan untuk realisasi. Bento postingan kali ini juga diambil dari stok foto yang belum di posting. Karakter di bento ini terinspirasi dari salah satu bento karya Inaguma Yuka, jadi sesuai namanya bento ini saya kasih nama “Lion Bento”. Menunya simple tapi enak, ada nasi goreng sarden yang saya hias dengan karakter singa dari telur orak-arik, keju dan nori, brokoli goreng dan strawberry. Hiasan di strawberry itu hasil efek edit-edit iseng di photoScape.

Ngomong-ngomong photoScape, saya suka sekali edit foto menggunakan aplikasi ini. Sebenarnya plus-minus dengan CS2, karena secara fitur menurut saya sebenarnya CS2 lebih lengkap. Tapi karena terlalu lengkap dan semua bisa dicustomize, sebagai pemula justru jadi agak membingungkan karena terlalu banyak yang bisa diutak-atik. Di sisi lain photoScape walau tidak terlalu banyak fitur namun penggunaannya lebih simple. Yang paling saya suka dari photoScape adalah adanya pilihan frame yang cukup banyak dan cara menggunakannya juga sangat mudah. Frame ini terdengar sederhana tapi lagi-lagi menurut saya, sangat bisa menunjang tampilan foto *terutama saat sebenarnya foto saya tidak terlalu memuaskan…hahahahaha*.    

I think that’s all for now. Last but not least, dear readers feel free to drop a comment in this blog or in my FB’s wall. I’ll be very happy to read it ^^

Ja, itadakimasu!

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Piggy Cheese Oat Cookies

Lagi iseng ubek-ubek kumpulan foto untuk posting, ketemulah foto cookies yang enak tapi bikin encok ini…sesuai judulnya “Piggy Cheese Oat Cookies”, yang artinya ada keju dan juga oatmeal didalamnya. Panjang yah judulnya, tadinya malah mau dikasih judul “Yummy Piggy Cheese Oat Chocolate Cookies” *judul narsis dan males mikir* tapi yang bikin aja jadi males baca, padahal fungsi blog kan untuk dibaca juga, hehehehe.

Cookies ini nyontek resepnya NCC dan saya modifikasi sendiri. Bahasa kerennya sih modifikasi padahal cuma disesuaikan dengan persediaan bahan yang ada di rumah, kalaupun beli cari yang gampang dibeli di warung atau minimarket terdekat :D. Resep aslinya berjudul “Snow Ball Coconut Cookies”, tapi nggak saya kasih snow, coconut dan bentuknya juga bukan cuma bulat bola, nah loh…bingung kan terus mau kasih judul apa, hehehehe…makanya judulnya pun saya ganti. Kenapa namanya piggy? Apakah ada bahan yang non halal?? Hehehe don’t worry be happy, saya kasih nama piggy karena cookies ini saya bentuk babi kecil-kecil…mmm…waktu bikin sih kecil, tapi setelah mateng kok pada mekar…hahahaha…gak apa-apa deh walau ngebentuk babi ini bikin encok punggung, tapi worth it banget karena terbayar dengan rasanya yang enak ditambah sensasi coklatnya yg masih meleleh… *ketawan deh nyomotnya langsung waktu keluar oven*.

Berhubung masih uji coba, saya bikin cuma setengah dari resep asli. One thing I love about making cookies is it can be made easily and almost never failed *alasan seorang pemalas nan amatir*. Jadi menurut saya cookies itu salah satu resep yang harus dicoba. Berikut adalah resepnya, check this out:

Keliatan nggak ya bentu Piggy-nya??

Ja, itadakimasu! 

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Cute Bento #61: Obake Bento

Minna, konnichiwa…

Happy long week end for those who lives in Indonesia :D

As I promised before here is my Halloween Theme Bento , I called it “Obake Bento”. Obake is Japanese language that means ghost. There are two characters onigiri in the box, first Mr. Obake that made from rice and Mr. Tofu O Lantern that made from fried tofu covered with a lil bit chili sauce. I also put sautéed sweet corn and Tempe Penyet.

Tempe Penyet is Indonesian food that made from fried tempe mashed with sambal. My version is mashed with raw sambal, it’s easy to made and taste good.

Ja itadakimasu…!

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Cute Bento #60: Kuma Sushi Bento


Minna-san, genki?

Setelah berkutat dengan rasa malas yang luar biasa akhirnya posting lagi niiihh…hihihi. Kasian juga sii sama Mas Kuro yang jadi kebanyakan dianggurin *elus-elus Mas Kuro. Rencana sih banyak banget, tapi selalu mentok di waktu, dana dan niat *kabur,takut ditimpukin karena kebanyakan alasan. Seperti bulan ini yang (lagi-lagi) rencananya sih mau bikin beberapa bento tema Halloween. Semoga kali ini terwujud *komat-kamit doa.

Bento yang kali ini merupakan bento sushi pertama yang aku buat. Berhubung aku belum jadi master sushi ataupun master bento, sushi ini aku buat dengan bantuan “futomaki maker” yang aku beli di Nihon no Uchi. Oh iya, aku belinya waktu lagi clearance sale, jadi aku bisa dapet kurang dari setengah harga asli \(^o^)/

Waktu liat alatnya sempet mikir “Ini beneran buat masak atau buat mainan anak-anak yaa?” hihihi, soalnya dari plastik dan bisa bongkar pasang gitu. Tapi ternyata pake futomaki maker ini bikin sushi emang lebih gampang. Buktinya ya “kuma sushi bento” ini (kuma = beruang, Japanese). Aku juga nggak tau sih apakah ini layak disebut sushi karena kalo menurut Om Wiki seharusnya sushi itu ada isiannya entah ikan mentah atau seafood lain, sementara kuma sushi punyaku cuma nasi biasa dan nasi kecap yang digulung-gulung terus dilapis pake nori. Hmmm…anggap aja sushi buatanku ini fancy sushi, karena kalo liat-liat koleksi foto fancy sushi-nya Mbah Google, jarang yang pake isian :D *pembelaan diri.

Oh iya, lunch box bamboo ini yang aku beli di Ace Hardware berdasarkan informasi dari mbak Tata. Seneng banget bisa dapet lunch box bamboo murah, karena kalo liat-liat di online shop lokal maupun interlokal (loh?) harganya pasti berbunyi tusbu alias sekian ratus ribu. Sementara aku beli ini nggak sampe seratus ribu,hehehehe. Walaupun setelah dibeli agak bingung juga pakai lunch box ini karena ternyata cukup tinggi *telat sadarnya. Akhirnya aku akalin dengan kasih sumpelan buah kesemek di bagian bawah, baru kemudian bagian atasnya ada kuma sushi, otak-otak, tempura brokoli dan strawberry.

So, that’s all for now…semoga rencana Halloween Bento Theme bulan ini bisa tercapai…

Ja, itadakimasu!

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Green Tea “Frog” Cookies

Finally a new post…!

How’s your week end?

Sorry I’ve been disappeared these past few weeks. Due to Idul Fitri, my maid was going home for couple weeks, therefore my sister and I were doing all the housework. Actually there are not a lot since we share the job, but it was enough to suck all my bentoing and baking energy without a trace. My first plan is I was going to spend my holiday to make cookies, pudding, etc. But only to think the mess that I have to clean up, I immediately choose remove that idea.

Anyway, this week I’m very very very happy…I know it seems a little exaggerating, but I do very happy. So as I mentioned before in my post here, I bought a camera a couple months ago. But actually the camera that I bought was not the one that I really want. Well you know, it usually happened…when you want to buy something, let say camera A and then the shopkeeper says “You know, the camera B is actually better than camera A, because bla bla bla…” you got persuaded, you bought camera B and then you regret it…yup that was exactly happened to me -_-“

At that time I was planning to buy Canon A810 because it’s cheap and yet have quite a lot of feature that I need (and want). When I went to the shop the shopkeeper said brand “P” is better, because I was an amateur on camera (until now) I believed what she said and without think twice I bought the camera that she recommend. When I tried it, I think it’s not bad though it doesn’t have macro mode.

The problem came when my mom got birthday present from my old sis and it was Canon A810. When I tried it, I just fell in love with it. At the very moment I decided to sell camera “P”. Luckily my lil sis is good at selling things online, so I ask her to help me. And as expected from her, the next day my camera was sold with good price!

While waiting for payday to buy the new camera (this time I promise myself that I only going to buy Canon A810, no more other choices) I did a lil online research about the price of the camera, hard case and memory. So finally I bought the camera that I dreamed of, even cheaper than my old camera (though it was already include the memory and the hard-case)!

I named it “Mas Kuro”. “Mas” is a call that comes from Javanese language for older brother and “Kuro” is from “Kuroi” which is Japanese language for black. It’s a silly name, but I love to call it that way :D

So, this picture is my very first cookies, Green Tea “Frog” Cookies, and I got the recipes from here. In the original recipes the cookies is round shape and half coated with white chocolate, but since it’s green I tried to do a lil modification so I shape and décor it as “frog”. Thank God it’s edible, though it’s not too crunchy because I whisk the butter too long. But overall it tastes good and looks cute ^^

Ja, itadakimasu!         

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Cute Bento #59: Tare Panda

Konbanwa…! (^o^)/
Minna genki?

Today is Sunday…and tomorrow will be Monday…Monday means back to work…
Kyaaaaa~  \(x_x)/

Gosh, time goes by very fast…I think it was yesterday but in fact it was last week…

As I mentioned before, I got very excited in baking, I haven’t made any bento this past two weeks. I spent those weekends to bake some cookies, I’ll post it someday. So today’s bento is from my bento picture collection, called “Tare Panda Bento”. Find this cute character on Google and immediately inspired to made one since the shape is quite simple :D

Menu: Tare Panda Onigiri decorated with nori and cheese, fried chicken-sausages-broccoli, strawberry and persimmon.

Ja minna, ashita wa getsuyoubi desukara isshouni ganbarimashou! (^o^)/

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Cute Dumpling (Bak Pao)

Minna konbanwa (^o^)/

How’s your week end?

I’ve been dying wanting to make dumplings (Bak Pao) that modified to looks cute. But, I’ve never made bakpao before so I decided to make it from instant flour. I just have to add cold water and knead the dough until smooth. I put fried cut sausages and grated cheese for the filling, add some decoration, and it’s done!

The first picture was before it steamed. Here’s the picture when it was being steamed. I can’t take the picture closer because I’m afraid my camera will be cooked as well ^^

And this is the result!

I took the picture that looks like a scene too, the panda pao blushing because he’s surrounded by a lot of cute piggy. (I only add blushes with photoshops in this picture) 


Lately I’m also very interested in baking. Even though I had successfully made a mess with four portions of cake, I won’t give up. Well…I haven’t bake since my fourth failure, but I will start to enter the world of baking by trying cookies. The first recipes that I really want to try is green tea white cookies, because the recipes looks easy and I have imagine I can modify it and make it looks cute ^^
I didn’t have any baking tools before, so I have to buy oven, baking tray, etc. I bought the oven out of my town, from one of my online friend in Natural Cooking Club (NCC). Thank God it arrived safely ^^

Ja minna. Have a nice week end!

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Cute Bento #58: Pinguin Bento 2

Or should I say konnichiwa? (^o^!)>

Minna genki?
How’s your week end? I spent my week for “me time”…for me, “me time” means do whatever I wanna do that I just can’t do on week days such as wake up as late as I can or watching Japanese Drama…
Aaa~ it’s been a long time since the last time I watched Drama. I usually download or buy Dorama whenever I had free time or extra money, but since I’m working I don’t have time to watch it.

Back to bento, today’s bento still inspired by Akinoichigo’s Bento. I’ve made penguin bento before as you see in here, so today I’ll name it “Penguin Bento 2”. Hahahaha…I know…I know…I’m not creative in giving name…Anyway, inside the box there are rice (decorated with nori, cheese and kani stick), fried chicken, fried broccoli, and strawberry.

Couple weeks ago I just bought food photography book called “Food Photography for Everyone” by Riana Ambarsari. She’s one of the admin from Natural Cooking Club (NCC), the club that founded by Fatma Bahalwan. The activity in this club including sharing recipes, tips and tricks, cooking information, gathering etc. The founders’ even give cooking class (especially in making bread, cake and cookies) that opens for not only the member. I really want to join one of their class but they rarely open the class on week end (T^T)

The book was fun to read, the explanation really suitable for beginner food photographer like me *uhuk-uhuk, and also a lot of tips for digital camera user. At first I feel hopeless to make stunning food picture since I only use cheap digital camera, but since I read this book I realize that the crucial thing is not the camera, well it is important, but the most important is the one who use the camera ^^ 
I have a plan to make my own mini(m) studio…hahahaha, I called it mini(m) since it will only fit to take small things picture.
 I hope I can made it next month (-人-) *pray

Wish me luck! 

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Cute Bento #57: Pirate Bento

Konnichiwa~ !

Minna genki?

Today’s bento was inspired by Akinoichigo’s Bento and I named it “Pirate Bento”. As I mentioned before I copy her idea several times since I really adore her creative idea :D
The menu is quite simple, there are “Nasi Gurih” molded by hand and decorated with nori and cheese, spicy tamagoyaki, and then fried broccoli and sausages.

If you notice, I put my own designed mug as back ground property. The design was simple, I just put several cute foods that usually packed in bento like onigiri, flower shaped carrot, octopus shaped sausages and many more. I also put my logo in it ^^

By the way I bundled together some of my old bento picture just for fun…and the result is quite pretty ^^

Ja, yoi ichinichi o ~ !

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Cute Bento #56: Lazy Panda Bento


Minna genki?

Today’s cute bento is “Panda Bento”. The panda onigiri is hand molded made from rice mixed with yukari furikake and decorated with nori and cheese. There are also sauté beans, sausage and chicken nuggets. When I made this bento actually I want to make two dogs instead of panda, but as you can see the rice was too soft. When I try to mixed it with the furikake it almost turn out to be a porridge so I changed my plan and I made a lazy panda ^^)v *phew. IMHO yukari furikake taste like tea. I never bought or even taste it before, the reason why I bought it was because it’s purple!   (^o^)

I bought yukari furikake in the small store in my office. This store also sells Japanese food like bento, onigiri, donburi, etc. I think they sell it because there are a lot of Japanese people in my office building.

Well…that’s all from me…have a nice week end for all of you…

Ja, itadakimasu!          

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Cute Bento #55: Sheep Bento

Another week end!!! How are you doing?

I feel so happy this week since I’m able to buy what I’m looking for a long time. I was looking for a stainless and a wooden lunch box. I know I can find it easily in any online store, but the price is quiet expensive. Lucky me, mbak Tata from Bonita’s Cooking and Bento Wonderland told me that the wooden lunch box is available in Ace Hardware. Next day in the morning I called Ace Hardware immediately, and also send them an email to ask which branch that sells that product. Because I went there before but I didn’t find any wooden lunch box.
After I got the information, I went there after office hour. I thought I got double lucky ‘cause I also found the stainless lunch box but I got triple lucky because in that branch almost all product were at sale!!! so I got the stainless and the wooden lunch box for 20% off. Ureshii  (▽≦) やった          

You can also see that this blog is changing it face!
After struggling with HTML code for about a month, here I proudly present the new blog template :D
Well, I didn’t make this template, I downloaded this for free in then do a lil modification. As I mention before, since I’m not an expert I need a lot of time just to do lil changing…So happy finally I could launch this new look.    

Back to bento, today’s bento called “Sheep Bento” inspired by Akinoichigo’s Bento (you can see her blog in my Cute Bento Blog list).
Inside the box: Rice decorated with nori, sausages and soy sauce (for the face), chiken nugget, sautéed broccoli and sausages.

Happy week end guys…and itadakimasu!!!     

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Cute Bento #54: Happy Kuma bento


Can’t believe it’s already Sunday :(

Lately I easily get sick. Earlier this week I am still recovering from flu and Friday I’ve got a pretty severe cold. I think it not only because of the weather but also I'm a kind of person who cannot be “quiet” , sleeping all day long and do bed rest :D
By the way, I passed the Japanese Language first level with pretty good score. Yokatta… my effort to keep study even when I still got fever was not useless \(^o^)/

Right now I was busy modifying a new blog template. Yup, I’m going to change this blog’s template. Dwelling with HTML code really takes a lot of time and energy. Since I’m not an expert I keep making mistakes. But it feels really satisfying when I finally make it work, even with a lot of try and errors. I still dwelling with it…mmm…and maybe I’ll ask my friend who are more expert to help me. Just wait for the launching :D

Bento menu: Fried rice, fried calamari, sautéed broccoli and carrot.

Ja, itadakimasu and have a nice week end ^o^)/

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Cute Bento #53: Temari Bento


Sorry for breaking my promise and didn’t post anything last week. I decide to change my internet provider at home so last week I’ve stopped the old ISP but haven’t started to use a new one.

 This week was quiet tough for me...before I have 3 people in my team including me, but one of my friend is transferred to another division and the company haven’t found someone else to replace her position. So the job that usually done by 3 people should be done just by the two of us. Moreover, I also not in good condition. But after take a good rest my condition is getting better :D

I promised to make this bento over a year ago to my “friend”…well…when I promised to him, he still my friend… :D

The character inside the bento called Temari from Shugo Chara anime. I don’t know a lot about this anime, but he like this character so much so that I try my best to make this character.

Temari, hiragana character (read: temari) and other decoration was made by flour sheet and tasteless. Why flour sheet? Hmm…it’s a silly reason…because actually I ran out of eggs :D

Inside the box: rice, pakcoy and sweet corn sautéed with oyster sauce, chicken nugget, strawberry and kiwi.

Have a nice week end and itadakimasu!   

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Green Tea Choco Balls

Konbanwa…or should I say Ohayou, hehehe…

Minna genki?

Lately I can’t hide my happiness because I successfully reach my diet target. My weight has increased 4 kg since I worked in the new office.  Well…I have to admit that I’m a lil bit body obsessed because actually my target was to lose 6 kg, but after losing 3 kg I think I’ll be too skinny if I lost another kilos. So 158cm/43kg I think that’s not too bad :D

Another update about my bento life :D, because I can only make Bento at weekends, so I try to at least make a Bento every week. But I managed to make two Bento this week. Isn’t it great?! It’s not easy to make Bento if you don’t have any idea about the design and the menu. Thank God I have you guys, my Bento pals, who always share creative idea, tips and menu to put in a Bento.

I really impressed with Bento Master, such as Akinoichigo, who never seems to run out ideas to make her Bento looks adorable. I learn from her that an adorable bento doesn’t always have to be a very complex and difficult bento to made. Sometimes a simple design is enough to make a beautiful bento. I also have to admit that lately I copy her idea to make bento, specially the character. But her bento still more cute and neat compare to mine XD.

Today I don’t post any Bento. This is the picture of sweets from “Rum Balls” recipe that I modified: “Green Tea Choco Balls”. I just substitute the rum into green tea powder, coat it with white chocolate and then decorate it with heart sprinkle. It taste so yummy yet easy to make :D

Ja, itadakimasu!         

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Cute Bento #52: Kokeshi Bento


Minna genki?

How’s your week end? In Indonesia, last Thursday was a public holiday (Ascension Day) so some company decided that Friday was joint leave. Well… I didn’t get long week end but I still had a pretty fun week end though :)  

Today’s bento is inspired by Japanese doll called kokeshi. I’m not sure my kokeshi bento as cute as kokeshi doll but I hope this bento can light up your day. 

The kokeshi was made from egg sheet and decorated by nori. Inside the box: rice, chicken cooked in oyster sauce, sautéed broccoli and strawberry.

Ja, itadakimasu   

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Cute Bento #51: Snoopy Bento

Dear Bento Pals…!!!
How are you doing? I’m glad that finally I came back from my looonnnggg hiatus (^o^)/
Shibaraku desune…Can’t believe how fast time goes by. It’s been a year since I post my last Bento.
A lot of things happened in this past one year. Previously I worked in a bank, but since July I work in one of the internet service provider company in Jakarta. I also finally able to buy a camera with my own money…well…although it’s still a pocket camera, but I am quite satisfied with the camera shots. Another story from me, it has nothing to do with bento but I was very pleased that I’ve start taking Japanese language course since February and at this end of months I will have final test for the first basic level. Wish me luck ^^)!
Well, I think that’s enough about me. I’ll try very hard to keep making and posting bento from now on… :D
This Snoopy Bento was made when I was still working in a Bank. The menu is quite simple since I have to make it in the morning. I put the rice in the bottom, and the toppings are homemade crab nugget, Snoopy quail egg, stir-fry broccoli and carrots and one piece of strawberry.
Ja, itadakimasu. Have a nice week end…!!!

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