Ultra Man Bento! 

I made this cute bento as a request from my friend, Dechu. I really like this bento, a little bit boyish but still cute. There’s a little trouble when I made this bento. The egg sheet for the face was too thin, so it looks a bit transparent. I have to put it on top of the nori carefully or I would tear the sheet
. The "Ultra Man" made from egg sheet and nori. The words made from nori and cut manually with scissors.

The menus are rice, boiled broccoli, crab nuggets and strawberry. Though I like to cook, I still do not know any kind of food that can be put into the bento. Therefore the menu of my bento is not too different

Ja, itadakimasu!
18 komentar:
hebat banget bisa telaten motongin nori bikin kata2 .. ck ck ck .... great bento ...thumbs up!!!
@ mbak Lina: Thank you! hehehe, soalnya waktunya banyak mbak. kalo buru2 sih nggak akan bisa :D
Oalah, itu tadi tak kira dari apa ya Sysyl bikin wajahnya? Kok warnanya bisa abu-abu, eh ternyata saudara, egg sheet nya tipis, jadi transparan sama norinya. Malah keren Syl hasilnya hehehe. Syl, I always adore your nori cutting skill. You're very patient :D
@ mbak Tata: Thank you, such a nice comment
>.< hahahaha, ketipisan tapi malah keren, yokatta...sabar juga karena waktunya banyak mbak, kalau waktunya mepet nggak deh, hehehe
Ikutan ama yg laen. Sabar banget potong nori untuk hurufnya Syl, great job! Cute Ultra Man-nya :)
@ Lia Chen: hihihi, makasih mbak :D
Huh? boyish dari mana?
@ Dechu: hihihi, yg request nongol :D boyish karena karakternya ultraman...bkn hello kitty, melody, atau karakter2 imut lainnya :p
Hi Sysyl ... please check on my recent post about the stylish blogger award!!! and claim yours ^_^ congrats!!
@ mbak Lina: makasiiiiiii... >.<)/
This is SO cute!! Salute your cutting skills! :)
@ Kind's Dream Work: Thank you so much for your nice comment Ai Ping. I just use a magnifying glass as an additional tool, hahaha, just kidding. :D
WOW..ultra man...I love him...hehe. Nice cutting skill, dear! If my sons see this, sure they will ask me to make one for them...hehe! Great job!!! ^.^
haduh sabar banget deh sysyl bikinnya.
pantesan keahlian semakin bertambah.
@ Emily Ng: Thank you so much Emily, such a nice comment :) hihihi, you better hide this page from him :D
@ nyai dachimah: hehehe, ada per-dachi-an rupanya di sini...makasih Dachi. Bikin "printilan" kaya' gini bikin gw blajar fokus :D
that's a very cute ultra man! my kids love him and when i show them this photo they become hyper and telling me to create a similar one for them. haha! great work! :D
@ Rio: Thank you for your sweet comment :) ups, hope u can make one :D
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