This time I don’t post cute bento, but "Sweet Pumpkin Cream Soup" I made this cream soup because I've already bought a pumpkin and do not know how I would cook it, so I just made it a cream soup. Hehehe.
I get the recipes in Google and I modified it to suit my tastes. This is the recipe:
Sweet Pumpkin Cream Soup
1.5 kg pumpkin
400ml milk
2 cloves large red onion
2 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons honey
3 tablespoons sugar
Pepper and salt
How to:
1. Peel and cut pumpkin into small pieces (so it's tender easier ), clean and set aside.
2. Chop the onion and garlic, saute until you can smell the sweet smelling.
3. Put a pumpkin that has been chopped, stir briefly, pour the milk, salt and pepper.
4. Stir again briefly, put the honey and sugar, wait until pumpkin tender.
5. After the pumpkin tender, turn off the heat, wait until cold.
6. Put the pumpkin and the milk in a blender, then strain and reheat until boiling.
Yosh, I hope the recipe is pretty clear. Sorry I did not put a picture because my kitchen is not too bright, so I'm afraid the picture is not good. Good luck!
Sweet Pumpkin Cream Soup
Cute bento #30: Cannon Bolt Bento

Hello Kitty Burger or Pancake?
It’s a snack time!!!
Aku buat makanan ini tengah malam, sekitar jam 12an. Thank God aku bisa masak, jadi setiap kelaparan tengah malam nggak masalah.
Snack kali ini adalah Hello Kitty Pancake Burger, nah bingung kan? Hahahaha. Jadi ini pancake yang aku bikin jadi roti burger karena lagi nggak ada roti di rumah.
Rasanya? Enak enak aja, karena resepnya sedikit aku modifikasi. Jadi kalau pancake pada umumnya pakai susu dan cenderung manis, kalau ini nggak pakai susu dan cenderung asin. Isinya seperti burger pada umumnya, nggak ada yang aneh-aneh (namanya aja cemilan tengah malam, jadi dibuat dengan bahan seadanya)
Ja, itadakimasu!
Blog Award
I will not post any bento today. But I’d like to share my happiness because yesterday I got two awards in a row! Yatta!
The first award is “Stylish Blogger Award” from mbak Lina.
And the second one is “Versatile Blogger Award” from mbak Yenny.
Thank you so much for the awards! I admire their passion in cooking and bentoing. Although they are mothers with lots of thing to do but still have time (and the commitment) to make cute bentos! I hope I will have that kind of passion even after I am married someday.
I never got any kind of blog award before, so this was my first time. These two awards require similar follow up ;
1. To thank and link back to those who gave you the award.
2. To share 7 things about yourself.
3. To pass it along to 15 blogs you've recently found and enjoyed.
4. To leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.
7 things about my self…Hmmm, let’s see…
1. I used to be a tomboy girl who liked to fight, even with boys who were bigger than me. I don’t know exactly when I started to love cute things and pink color (which I hated before). I think my older sister, who is feminine and born to be feminine, has given me a “girly poison” on my 17th birthday, hahaha.
2. Though I’m a tomboy girl I like cooking very much. I started cooking when I was little…I think when I was in kinder garden…at that time I was around 4 years old
3. I’m a control freak and a little bit obsessive compulsive. Everything I do has to be organized and neat. I get easily irritated by something that is not in order. But knowing this “disease”, I train myself to loosen up a little bit.
4. I can’t be under pressure! In that kind of situation I’ll be freezing and can’t do anything…or yelling loudly to loose the tension.
5. I love Japan! Their food, their style, their culture, music, drama, celeb, everything! Especially Junnosuke Taguchi and Kazuya Kamenashi, from a Japanese boy band KATTUN. Can’t stop screaming everytime I watch their concert video!
6. My dreams are to go to Japan, to marry a Japanese guy, then to live happily ever after! Hahaha…
7. I can spend the whole day in front of my computer, because my computer is placed in front of my bed. So I can sit on my bed, facing the monitor for a loooonnnggg time and just go to sleep whenever I get tired in one spot. Looovvvveeee this spot so much!
Phew! Finally these are the bloggers that deserve to get the award:
● For the Love of Bento (Versatile Blogger Award)
● Mommy of twins (Stylish Blogger Award)
● Bonita’s Cooking and Bento Wonderland
● 爱。魅力 » 爱。开心便当のSPAM Sandwiches
● Hawai’i’s Bento Box Cookbook, Bento and More for Kids
● Adventures in Bentomaking: Bento Lunches by Pikko
*These blogger deserve both awards, except the first and the second blogger
Cute bento #29: UltraMan Bento

Cute bento #28: Chococat Bento

Cute bento #27: Lil uppy Bento
New Puncher
Another Bento Tool!!!
Seneng deh, akhirnya bisa beli puncher ini. Pinginnya sih udah lama banget, tapi karena harganya mahal, baru bisa kebeli setelah ada yang seorang pria baik hati (ehem…) yang menawarkan bayarin 100rb. Jadinya aku cuma bayar 30rb, hehehe.
Aku beli ini di Obento House, di OL shop ini gratis ongkos kirim untuk wilayah

Oh iya, beberapa hari yang lalu aku nemuin bolu berwarna ungu!
Tanpa pikir dua kali langsung aku beli bolu itu. Rasanya sih biasa aja, tapi warnanya itu lohhhh...Sayang aku belinya sore jadi nggak bisa dimasukin
ke bento, tapi sempet aku foto kok, hihihi.Udah seminggu ini aku batuk-batuk terus, udah 3 botol obat batuk masih belum sembuh juga. Karena batuk ini suaraku sampe hilang padahal hari ini aku harus presentasi…Mungkin nggak sembuh-sembuh juga karena aku kebiasaan begadang waktu ngerjain tugas/skripsi, terus kalo dari kampus/bimbingan pulangnya malem...semoga cepet sembuh biar waktu turun lapangan dan wawancara suaranya udah normal :D
Ja, mata ne… (^o^)/
Mini Sweet Potato Balls
It’s snack time!!!
Makanan ini aku namakan “Bola Ubi Mini” atau “Mini Sweet Potato Ball”. Berawal dari bosan karena selama beberapa hari ubi yang ada di rumah cuma di goreng tepung atau digoreng biasa. Jadi aku nyoba bereksperimen dengan ubi ini ^^
Bola ubi mini aku buat dari 2 potong ubi goreng yang dihalusin terus dicampur dengan sedikit tepung maizena dan air sampe nggak lengket/kalis. Setelah itu ambil adonan sekitar 1,5 ruas ibu jari dan dibentuk bola-bola. Kukus bola-bola ubi selama kurang lebih 20 menit. Untuk sausnya aku pake gula merah yang dicairin dengan air dan sedikit tepung maizena juga, biar hasilnya agak kental. Udah jadi deh! Gampang kan ^^
Mungkin modifikasi lainnya adalah ubi rebus dan setelah dibentuk bola bukan dikukus tapi digoreng...hhmmm, kapan-kapan aku akan coba modifikasi resep yang itu ah! Oh iya, amazingly bola-bola ubi mini ini rasanya nyambung sama strawberry loh. Awalnya aku mikir ”Perpaduan apa ini, ubi yang ndeso kok disandingin sama strawberry. Tapi gak apa-apa lah, yang penting tampilannya bagus” hahaha, ternyata malah lebih enak. Strawberry-nya jadi nggak terlalu asem dan nambah rasa di ubinya! Udah bagus, rasanya enak lagi =D
Yosh! Selamat mencoba!!!