Or should I say konnichiwa? (^o^!)>
Minna genki?
How’s your week end? I spent my week for “me time”…for me, “me time” means do whatever I wanna do that I just can’t do on week days such as wake up as late as I can or watching Japanese Drama…
Aaa~ it’s been a long time since the last time I watched Drama. I usually download or buy Dorama whenever I had free time or extra money, but since I’m working I don’t have time to watch it.
Back to bento, today’s bento still inspired by Akinoichigo’s Bento. I’ve made penguin bento before as you see in here, so today I’ll name it “Penguin Bento 2”. Hahahaha…I know…I know…I’m not creative in giving name…Anyway, inside the box there are rice (decorated with nori, cheese and kani stick), fried chicken, fried broccoli, and strawberry.

The book was fun to read, the explanation really suitable for beginner food photographer like me *uhuk-uhuk, and also a lot of tips for digital camera user. At first I feel hopeless to make stunning food picture since I only use cheap digital camera, but since I read this book I realize that the crucial thing is not the camera, well it is important, but the most important is the one who use the camera ^^
I have a plan to make my own mini(m) studio…hahahaha, I called it mini(m) since it will only fit to take small things picture.
I hope I can made it next month (-人-) *pray
I hope I can made it next month (-人-) *pray
Wish me luck!